Community Ministries
Living Our Faith in the Community
Community ministries are in integral part of life at St. Mary’s. Involvement with community ministries is an important way that we live out our baptismal covenant, both to “seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves,” and to “strive for justice and peace among all peoples and respect the dignity of every human being.” Community Ministry activities involve direct engagement with community groups as well as a variety of fundraising activities that support non-profits in San Francisco and the world. Below, we list a variety of ways that you can become engaged with community ministries at St. Mary’s, from direct engagement with community groups to fund raising and granting efforts. Please join us in this fulfilling and life-giving work!
Tidings of Comfort and Joy.
The Pantry was held on December 10 with much fun and community. We raised funds for the Gubbio Project.
Reaching Out to Agencies in our Community
The City of San Francisco has created the website below offering opportunities to volunteer during this time. If you are comfortable volunteering, and fulfill the requirements for the volunteer opportunities, we hope you will consider lending a helping hand. It is one way to share Christ's grace and love throughout the City. Please click HERE for more information on how to be a v…
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